Jusuru |
Jusuru, based in Anaheim, California, markets a product called Jusuru Life Blend that is designed to help the body look younger, longer, by incorporating an ingredient called BioCell Collagen. Jusuru Distributors receive a discount on Jusuru products, while being able to sell Jusuru at retail price for profit and earn additional income by referring others. Jusuru donates a portion of its net income to charitable organizations. |
Percentage Change (Gain or Loss): 0.06% |
Percentage Change
compared to the last sampling period. |
Jusuru Internet Popularity Percentile Rank: #334 |
This rank displays where Jusuru ranks in our public interest database against all other MLM companies and home based businesses in our current profile. Jusuru's position in our index ranks them at 334 out of 855 home businesses actively tracked in our database. |
Jusuru Internet Popularity Percentage: 61.05% |
This percentage is based on the total number of interest 'hits' for all MLM companies and home based business opportunites in our most current monthly profile. |
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Jusuru Ranking | ||||
Percentile Rank: 61.05 Jusuru Ranks Higher than 521 of 855 Companies in Our Profile Database |
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